


  • Relevance

  • Student - friendly

  • Technical ease

  • Accessibility


We encourage students to treat this as the first step towards assessing their current academic status. We offer three kinds of online tests—chapter tests, module tests and mock tests. Chapter tests are for specific chapters and module tests for multiple chapters. Mock tests are designed as the final preparatory-stage testing of their overall academic progress before they appear for their boards or competitive exams. Similarly, a good number of practice tests are available for competitive exams.

There are two kinds of demos—for guest users and for registered users. To be a registered user, one needs to sign up with a free account. Both kinds of users can take tests. In the process, both can get a feel of the interface and the features of the exam portal. After the test, if guest users want to additionally avail of the assessment, they will need to sign up as a registered user.

There are two kinds of tests offered—Scholastic and Competitive. The Scholastic section includes chapter tests, module tests and mock tests for every subject. For each chapter, questions have been exhaustively prepared and are fetched in the requested combination from the question bank by the automated search engine. Students need to complete each test within a maximum of three attempts, otherwise it gets auto-submitted. In case of Competitive exams, practice papers are guided by the previous years' question papers. Practice papers will be automatically generated, containing questions in proportions guided by the examination- setting authority.

Students get to selectively subscribe to the test portal, choosing only the subjects they need assistance with. It is not mandatory to subscribe to the entirety of the offering. Once students get a feel of the platform and grow trust in our process, they can choose to avail the complete question bank if that is what they need.


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